You Need Me To Care For You, But A Caregiver Needs Some Me-Time Too!

Women carry the burden of being caregivers - caring for a special child, an elder who is bedridden, or a loved one suffering from Alzheimer's. These can be labours of love, but what about me-time for her?

Women carry the burden of being caregivers – caring for a special child, an elder who is bedridden, or a loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s. These can be labours of love, but what about me-time for her?

I love you dearly, though from what I’m going to say
My sentiments may not come across that way-
There are days when in a sleep-deprived daze
I feel I cannot go on any longer, pretending to be unfazed
By the constant exposure to unpleasant fluids varied
I clean silently, but sometimes I can not succeed
In hiding my revulsion at the sights and odours
I try to benumb myself until the clean-up is over
Then sink back exhausted in the armchair

When you take a nap- yet I try to be aware
At all times of your discomfort and your needs
If I do not respond timely, I feel guilty indeed..

I know it is a herculean task for you and me
To drive you to your appointments, definitely
Yet here’s a secret I am ashamed to reveal-
On those days a frisson of excitement I feel
At the thought of an opportunity for interaction
With other human beings- it gives me some satisfaction
To know that there is life outside of these walls
We can still enjoy the beauty of spring, summer and fall..

I know we both wish things were not this way
When you call me for help, I can see the dismay
In your eyes that yet again you need me
Yet again you have demonstrated your dependency

When friends call me for a night out and I reply, inevitably
That I am busy, I can see your eyes tearing up for me
You talk about another caregiver to unburden me
But both of us this is not possible (at least usually)
With limited finances and other constraints

Besides, I have almost learnt to practice restraint
Where entertainment and social activities are concerned-
If I have spare time, I try to enjoy the rest I have earned..

Then there are those days when I am exhausted beyond measure
And there appears my savior, those moments I treasure
When a friend offers to help for a few hours or a day
I feel relieved; I know you do too, more than you would say

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This break from caregiving reminds me of how much I love you
And why caring for you is what I would gladly continue to do…

Published here earlier.

Header image is a still from the movie Waiting

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About the Author

Shuchita Gupta

I am a woman, a physician, a mother and an aspiring writer rolled into one. I write about various aspects of my life, and my preferred form of writing is poetry (or rhyming verses). read more...

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