Get Up And Shake Yourself Up!

Feeling down? Don't let the negative thoughts get you. Get up, and shake yourself up, and look at the positives. It's a choice we make.

Feeling down? Don’t let the negative thoughts get you. Get up, and shake yourself up, and look at the positives. It’s a choice we make.

Yesterday when I got up in the morning, I felt drained-out physically and mentally and lacked the urge of getting out of my bed. But then day has to start so pushed myself thinking that bathing might freshen me up. But the situation remained the same. I was still scowling.

I thought may be breakfast will brighten me up. But again the situation was the same. I didn’t enjoy a single bite of my breakfast and ate to complete the ritual.

Then thought may be reading would help. I started reading but after 2 pages I realised I was just browsing through the book and nothing went inside. Three hours had passed and I felt “what a waste of time”.

I was fuming for the chaos inside, when I suddenly thought maybe it’s long since I have had a word with myself. I closed my room, sat on my bed very comfortably, and switched on the fan at a lighter speed which was making my room happily calm & breathable and had let the translucent light coming through the curtains only. My bed was like heaven and was again intriguing me to be absorbed. I closed my eyes and questioned myself for brooding since morning.

  • Are you feeling little unhealthy or unwell?
  • Is it that you couldn’t focus on your studies last night?
  • Is there any misunderstanding with family or friends?
  • Am I getting socially inactive?
  • Is it the pressure of starting to work again as its 11 months of career break?
  • Is there any financial pressure?
  • Am I missing somebody?
  • Do you want to go for a travel or want to have a day out?
  • Is there something which you want to do and not able to do?

And answers to all the questions were like:

  • Noooo
  • Not that
  • So what
  • I can ignore that
  • I will manage
  • That’s ok
  • Will do it today
  • Will plan and pursue
  • Really?? Not at all

And I was empty minded with all possible questions and their answers worked upon.

I opened up eyes and sneered. I realised may be I was permitting negative loaded thoughts to defeat and settle in my body, in my mind. There was nothing as such which couldn’t be handled, or ignored, or planned and pursued.

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I instantly got up off my bed and went straight to the mirror. Smiled, winked at myself & posed with a pout. I felt light and reinforced. I went outside the room, Mom was reading news paper and I asked her, “What are we having for lunch Mom?”

This is a very small episode which happens on and off with everyone, I guess, and everyone has all the resources within them to either get away from that or get into that even more deeply. It is the choice we make.

Published here earlier.

Image source: pxhere

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About the Author


Ruchi is a new person who has dared to break all walls of monotony in life, a dreamer, a learner and likes to derive inspiration in all situations she is into. Recently plunged into a read more...

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