‘Manterruption’ In The Boardroom: Women Speak Up!

Women who've made it to critical positions in the workplace have done so by sheer dint of their hard work and intelligence. You better not keep interrupting us!

Women who’ve made it to critical positions in the workplace have done so by sheer dint of their hard work and intelligence. You better not keep interrupting us!

I think I am fairly qualified

To give an opinion on the matter at hand

Yet when I present my side

Of reasoning, they seem unable to stand

The fact that I have spoken – after all, who am I

To comment on matters important

I am expected to remain submissive and shy

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To refrain from an opinion even when present


As soon as I have finished, I get a smile

Followed by a condescending comment

By now I have figured out the board members’ style

My ideas for them are pure entertainment

Then one of them proceeds to explain things to me

Like I am slow of mind or an imbecile

Let me assure you, I am neither or I wouldn’t be

In this boardroom, in fact I have gone the extra mile

To be where I am, so I probably have qualifications

That exceed theirs’ – I analyze problems thoroughly too

I should not have to give any justification

In expressing exactly what I want to.


I am frankly perplexed and sometimes amused

At how men continue to disregard opinions that women present

Many do it subconsciously, though they might refuse

To acknowledge any misogyny, they support equality in sentiment

From the average workplace meeting to the presidential debate

“Manterruption” appears to be a universal male trait


Hear me out gentlemen, I have something to say

If it came from a man, this idea would be lapped up today

So lend me your time and attention valuable

I am confident of bringing new ideas to the table.

First published here.

Image via Pixabay

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About the Author

Shuchita Gupta

I am a woman, a physician, a mother and an aspiring writer rolled into one. I write about various aspects of my life, and my preferred form of writing is poetry (or rhyming verses). read more...

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