Wife On Leave? Worry Not, My Dear Men, Here’s A Restaurant For The Likes Of You!

A Varanasi restaurant called W.O.L tells men to eat there if their wife hasn't cooked, (W.O.L = wife on leave), implying that there is no need for men to cook, even today.

A Varanasi restaurant called W.O.L tells men to eat there if their wife hasn’t cooked, (W.O.L = wife on leave), implying that there is no need for men to cook, even today.

Deep within the chaos and turmoil of the crowded city of Varanasi, nestles a small café called ‘Wife on Leave‘ (W.O.L). It proudly boasts of its revolutionary motto – a man who loves his wife ought to let her take days off from the kitchen occasionally.


Because, you see, it is the wife’s job to be the cook of the house. It is her duty in all respects to cook and feed the family, and don’t you forget that she must do it at all times!

Attention, men! Here is a unique restaurant that you should all know about. It is a savior in times of distress (distressing times when your wife won’t cook!). When your wife needs some loving and care, you show her kindness by approving her leave of absence from the kitchen and bring her here; as you are the male chauvinistic prick with too much pride to cook a meal for her!

As their website says, and I quote, “W.O.L decorates an experience that is not just a restaurant dinner, but a sovereign oasis of her happiness, which constantly challenges the monotonousness encapsulating and overshadowing her ability to be herself and enjoy a few moments on her own.”

Yes, a wife, by the very definition, is a creature whose life revolves around the monotony of domestic duties. As men, you have come to accept that when she works in the kitchen, she has no ability to be herself and enjoy a few moments on her own. Hence, please, head over to W.O.L and give her the gift of those few precious moments away from her god-given duty.

Not only do you men have such outrageous expectations from their wives, but you also have the audacity to open a restaurant with a name such as ‘Wife on Leave’ and express your feelings out in the open!

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Your wife is not a maid in your home, nor is it her duty to own the house-work. Be sensible enough to accept the realities of today’s society. Be brave enough to take on responsibilities of creating a home with your wife. And these responsibilities certainly include cooking, cleaning and doing the dishes! If you are mature enough to marry (which many Indian mothers think their sons are at 21), why not be mature enough to not shy away from the work that needs to be done to run a family?!

You think you are modern by taking your wives on dates when she is bored of cooking, but what about the expectations you have of her on other days? Why do you treat her like a lesser human who is obligated to abide by your choices? You think you are modern by letting your daughters study, but what about the taunts you shower her with when she leaves her kid at home to pursue a career? You think you are modern by letting your daughters wear what they wish, but are you teaching your sons to let go of stereotypes? When your son makes a lewd comment about Katrina Kaif, don’t you just laugh it out and say, “Boys will be boys!”? Have you ever tried to understand the true mindset hiding behind the façade of your modern thinking?

The restaurant’s selling point reflects the opinions of millions of Indians. What W.O.L believes is transformational thinking, is merely anti-feminist values deep rooted in Indian men since birth. Sadly, these are the ‘modernistic views’ of today’s India.

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