Is It True That Marriage Can Wreck Women’s Friendships? #WomenOnTheMove

Friendships and friends are so important in our lives, then why do women's friendships drift away after marriage? Finding out with #WomenOnTheMove.

Friendships and friends are so important in our lives, then why do women’s friendships drift away after marriage? Finding out with #WomenOnTheMove.

Marriage is a life changing milestone in a couple’s life. It not only alters their relationship with each other but also with others around them. These changes are more significant for women than men. Apart from change in her name, marriage profoundly changes the relationship of the bride with her friends too.

Marriage is a partnership, where the parties involved need to put in equal amount of effort, time, understanding and commitment to make it grow. Although it might sound harsh, marriage somewhere changes our priorities thus altering our friendships over time. Sometimes marriage also means moving away to a different location. Keeping in touch over phone calls, texts, mails becomes less frequent, new friendships are forged and old friends gradually drift away.

Last week, in our weekly #WomenOnTheMove chat over at Twitter, we discussed the reasons that alter friendships after marriage, does the gender of our friends play a role in our friendships falling apart, and the need for women to hold on to their friends and their friendships after marriage. This is what #WomenOnTheMove said.

What changes after marriage?

Other reasons for the drift

Gender has a role to play

‘Trust’ can make it or break it

Hold your friends close, their friendships even closer

Friendships need to be nurtured. In life’s grind, “friendship is a very comforting thing to have.”

Image: Shutterstock

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Jyotishree Mohanty

A part time backpacker, an accidental baker, a doting mother, a loving wife, a pampered daughter, an inspired blogger, an amateur photographer read more...

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