simrun chopra

The unlikely transition from marketing strategist to fitness enthusiast happened seemlessly. Like everyone I was caught up in my rat race ( read as : Job ), living and breathing my never ending to do list. Pregnancy and then deciding to be a full time mom initially seemed like a disastrous career choice. It is always hard to give up stability and guaranteed growth. Moving outside your comfort zone is one of the hardest things to do but it helps you grow. I know it helped me. I kept piling on the post pregnancy weight, making appalling food and lifestyle choices detrimental to my health. I turned to fitness when the weight gain, pcos, back issues and depression got overwhelming. Losing weight is the only ‘visible’ accomplishment but I know that fitness changed both my physical and mental state. I had to step out of my comfort zone, work hard every day to get fitter and healthier. Without realising it I developed a passion - HEALTHY LIFESTYLE

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